Is there any benefit in using gene-based nutritional supplements
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Oylama (0 Oylar): Henüz Oy verilmedi
Eklenme Tarihi: 30-08-2015
From: johndavis9363 ( Özel Mesaj Gönder )
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Should you invest in gene-based nutritional supplements? In this video I explain exactly what you should do./nFor more updates, comments and news on personalized nutrition and nutritional genomics, sign up to my weekly newsletter here back to my channel. In this video I want to talk to you about the benefits of gene based nutritional supplements or rather, if there is any benefit in them. I get asked my opinion a lot and new companies bringing up all the time in all different countries so I just wanted to address the question.
Etiketler: personalized  nutrition,  nutrigenomics,  nutrigenetics,  nutritional  supplements 

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